
Choose a Species card in game with the genomic interest area Extinction risk and discard it along with Extinction.

Discontinued technology

Place Discontinued technologyon the table. The player who played it chooses a sequencing generation from 1 to 3. Players cannot play Species cards from the chosen generation, but existing Species cards of that generation ingame are not discarded. When Discontinued technology is discarded by any effect, Species cards from that generation can be played again.


Play Cyberattack on top of a Species card and discard that card. Then move Cyberattack to an adjacent Species card. At the beginning of every turn, discard the Species card beneath Cyberattack and move it to an adjacent position. Every player must move Cyberattack at the beginning of their turn. Only one Cyberattack card may be played per game; if a player has played Cyberattack, the other player cannot play it