Asian cultivated rice

Oryza sativa, the rice plant, is one of the most important cereal crops worldwide. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding rice genetics, evolution, and traits related to yield, quality, and stress tolerance. 10.1126/science.1068037 (Apr 5, 2002)

Common bottlenose dolphin

Tursiops truncatus, the bottlenose dolphin, is a highly intelligent marine mammal species. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding dolphin genetics, evolution, and adaptation to aquatic environments. 10.1038/nature10530 (Oct 12, 2011)

O. lucimarinus

Ostreococcus lucimarinus is a marine green alga species. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding marine phytoplankton ecology, photosynthesis, and global carbon cycling. 10.1073/pnas.0611046104 (May 1, 2007)

Jewel wasp

Nasonia vitripennis is a parasitic wasp species used as a model organism in evolutionary genetics research. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding insect genetics, development, and parasitic relationships. 10.1126/science.1178028 (Jan 15, 2010)

Kinetoplastid Parasite

Leishmania major is a parasitic protozoan causing cutaneous leishmaniasis. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding parasite biology and developing treatments for leishmaniasis, a neglected tropical disease. 10.1126/science.1112680 (Jul 15, 2005)

B. anthracis

Bacillus anthracis Ames strain is the causative agent of anthrax, a deadly disease affecting humans and animals. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding anthrax pathogenesis and developing countermeasures. 10.1038/nature01586 (May 1, 2003)

B. bovis

Babesia bovis is a protozoan parasite transmitted by ticks and causes bovine babesiosis, a severe disease in cattle. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding parasite biology and developing control measures. 10.1371/journal.ppat.0030148 (Oct 19, 2007)

A. fulgidus

Archaeoglobus fulgidus is an archaeal species found in deep-sea hydrothermal vents. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding extremophile adaptations and early evolution of life on Earth. 10.1038/37052 (Nov 27, 1997)

Green anole

Anolis carolinensis, the green anole lizard, is a common species in the southeastern United States. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding reptile genetics, evolution, and adaptive radiation. 10.1038/nature10390 (Aug 31, 2011)

Wine grape

Vitis vinifera, the common grapevine, is a fruit-bearing plant species cultivated for grapes used in winemaking. Its genome sequencing aids in understanding grape genetics, vine development, and wine quality. 10.1038/nature06148 (Aug 26, 2007)